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Mortgage Approval Made Easy - Get Approved in 3 Simple Steps

Residential and Commercial Mortgages – Low & Affordable Rates – Check How Much You Can Borrow – Check Your EMI – Let’s Discuss What is Right for YOU

1.76% 5 YEAR FIXED
See Interest Rates

    Request Quote Now

    We offer mortgages from different Banks and lenders. Fill the form, we will contact you.

    Let us help you get your mortgage approved

    We will match you with a mortgage  program that meets your financial need.

    Why Stephen Spellman Mortgages Broker?

    Here are five reasons to use a Stephen Spellman as your Mortgage Broker

    Product Selection

    Mortgage Brokers have access to many different mortgage products as well as access to a variety of mortgage options for customers.

    We Represent you

    As your representative, we find the deal that’s best for you, not the lender. We help you understanding the mortgage process.

    Market Knowledge

    Mortgage Brokers have the training, experience and local market knowledge that will help you find the right mortgage solutions.

    Mortgage Focus

    We search for the best combination of pricing, rates, discounts, conditions and overall value for you.

    It's Free

    Mortgage Brokers are not paid by you; we are compensated for our services by receiving a commission from the lender (on approved credit).

    Broad Range Programs

    Whatever your home financing needs, let us help you with a broad range of programs, money-saving options and personalized service.

    Lowest Rates* In Canada - You Can Compare

    *Rates are updated regularly, also there may be a slight difference between Geographic Regions.

    TermOur RateBank Rate
    3 Year Fixed 1.84% 3.49%
    5 Year Fixed 1.76% 3.59%
    5 Year Variable 2.04% 3.00%
    Updated : June 20, 2020

    About Stephen Spellman

    graduate in sociology, 40+ experience

    Stephen Spellman is a Halifax, Nova Scotia mortgage brokerage

    Stephen is an experienced Residential and Commercial Mortgage Broker and Private Financing  Advisor. He has more than 30 years of experience in Mortgages.

    Stephen has worked in various positions including Residential/Commercial Mortgage Broker, Project Investment Manager, Commercial Account Manager, Regional Sales Manager, and Branch Manager in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


    Mortgage Calculator

    Use this calculator to generate an amortization schedule for your current mortgage. Quickly see how much interest you will pay, and your principal balances. You can even determine the impact of any principal prepayments!

    Click on “Send a Report to your email” a PDF report sent to your email.

    Stephen Spellman Mortgages Calculator

    Apply in three easy steps

    You won’t be the only one lorem ipsu mauris diam mattises.


    Complete the form

    First, we need to know a little about you and your needs for a mortgage loan.

    Apply Now


    Get Contacted

    You will get contacted within twelve working hours of submitting your application.


    Final Steps

    After a meeting, we will prepare the final documentation and process your mortgage application.

    We are Here to Help You

    We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our mortgage rates and services.

    Apply For Mortgage

    Looking to residential or commercial mortgage loans? then apply now.

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    Make an Appointment

    Need a mortgage loan advise? Book an appointment and talk with me.

    Meet Stephen

    Just take 2 minutes for your mortgage loan

    Fill up the form below and we would get in touch with you